Mrs. Sanseverino
Vocal Music
Room Number: 002
Phone Number: 508-696-6505
Email Address: jsanseverino at

Welcome to Tisbury Music!

The main goal of this class is to instill a lifelong love of music in each and every student, in addition to learning a variety of musical techniques and knowledge. All students K-7 attend two music classes per week and 8th graders attend one class per week.

In grades K-4, the focus is on building a strong foundation in basic musical skills and knowledge. Each class, students participate in activities including singing, playing classroom percussion instruments as rhythmic and melodic accompaniment, listening to and analyzing a variety of music from many different genres and musical eras, and building up their musical vocabularies. Students explore the role of music and musicians in our society, how musicians are inspired to compose or perform and why music has value.

In grades 5-8, students build on previous musical knowledge with more emphasis on good technique and project based exploration. Through daily singing, classroom instrument ensembles (percussion instruments and guitars), Garageband compositions, musical research, and listening activities, students will explore how personal beliefs influence our response to music, and how to determine musical value of compositions and to articulate reasons for those preferences. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of music from all musical eras, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary, as well as popular music of today.

All Tisbury Music students can be successful in music class regardless of musical background and are expected to keep a positive attitude and participate to their best ability each day. Grades are based on participation and attitude as well as occasional projects, activities and assessments.

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