Mrs. Smith
Second Grade Teacher
Room Number: 217
Phone Number: 508-696-6525
Email Address:

Curriculum Overview for Grade Two - Mrs. Smith/Mrs. Hageanon/Mrs. Harris - Room 217

Curriculum Brochure - English ---------Portuguese

Second Grade is a year of important growth and development for students academically, emotionally and socially. Fostering and "growing:self-esteem, establishing boundaries, remaining consistent, having flexibility and a sense of humor are the backbone of our program. We use the analogy of most sports teams to lead children in cooperation, respect and consideration of others. Consequences are natural, fair and logical, and rewards are appropriate and effort reflected. Praise is given when genuine effort is put forth. We like to use incentives, such as homework passes or "coupons" or extra recess, indoor class free time. Community recognition, in written form and on Morning Announcements is also part of our incentives for encouraging good Second Grade learning habits. Mrs. Hageanon and I love your children as our own, and will hold them accountable, behaviorally and socially, respectfully, as we would our own. Learning Routines/ Practices We appreciate the help and effort in getting your children into the "HABITS of a SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR". We stress continually, in class, the importance of an EARLY BEDTIME (research has shown a correlation between sleep deprivation, fatigue, and poor comprehension/retention of information). Your children work extremely hard throughout the day, and without enough sleep, a good breakfast, water and a good snack, he/she will have a much harder time adjusting to the pace and demands of Second Grade. Consider early bedtime, getting homework done on time (independently), with folders signed and back in the backpack as part of the successful habits of Grade Two. Twenty minutes, reading ALOUD, is another expectation. In Second Grade, students are taught to become independent learners. They learn to be responsible for completing their assignments as well as their homework.

Curriculum Points Houghton-Mifflin Reading Program: Ability grouping for one hour each day, within the classroom. Additional reading opportunities are in the afternoon. (RAT time = "Reading Activity Time" begins directly after lunch until 12:30). This time also allows for academic or language support/enrichment or violin. In addition, we incorporate the Saxon Phonics Program, Monday thru Thursday. This program incorporates Spelling, decoding and Reading comprehension. Everyday Math: This is a K-4 program. Family letters go home at the start of each new unit. This program offers a newer approach with our traditional skills blended in. We use manipulatives to help with main concepts. We ask for your patience, as many children develop math aptitude at very different times. Fridays are usually set aside for assessments, Cuisenaire rods work or math-based games. Writing Program: We encourage writing in all sorts of ways, especially at home; through pen-pal letters, thank you notes, recipes, special notes in lunch boxes, under pillows, reminders, lists and postcards. Writing is a PROCESS. Certain projects will span the week(s), while other daily writing activities will be routine. Writing assignments are in the categories of "narrative", "opinion" and "informative", as well as Poetry and basic Research. No escape!! We will use various assessments to gauge how your child is progressing throughout the year, but for now, we are focusing on fluency and quick responses to content/comprehension questions (We call it "TTQA" = Turn the Question Around ). You may also hear about "FCA's" , which are "Focus Correction Areas", which simply mean; the specifics we need to see in the writing piece. Graphic organizers are our most important organizational tools in the classroom, but your conversations and reminders of certain memories will help support many of our activities and assignments. Please encourage your child to write as much as possible and read YOUR writing as well!!! Spelling Program: Each week, your child will be given a set of words that should be practiced throughout the YEAR, not just for the week! Dictation sentences will be given each Friday for assessment of those particular words. Prior practiced words will reappear each week, as well, for reinforcement, and if the words are not mastered, your child will be given weekend homework to continue practicing. We hold children accountable for the words that we focus on each week, as well as old ones we have already spent time on, especially words covered during Phonics lessons. Many of the words are drawn from sight word lists, the Reading series/stories, Phonics lessons and/or other content in Science/Social Studies areas. Just doing the homework may not be enough practice for your child. He/she may need to spend more time putting these words to memory. If you need suggestions on how to make memorizing words more fun, let us know. We do lots of Reading/Spelling/Phonics "games" to help with memorization.

General Housekeeping/ Miscellaneous Water bottles: These are helpful to cut down on unnecessary trips out of the classroom. They can be kept in the backpacks and changed out each day. Snacks: NEEDED EVERY DAY. We do not share snacks, but we do get apples from the cafeteria each day. If your child does not bring a snack, he/she will grab an apple. Healthy snack options; popcorn, crackers/cheese, fruit, yogurt stix, pretzels/PB, cut veggies & dip. Candy is not allowed for snack and we discourage the "snack junkies", such as Doritos. Nurse visits: We do not allow students to get "Nurse Happy". We see Mrs. Coogan for real emergencies, accidents or illnesses that persist. Your contributions of Kleenex and antibacterial soap has cut down on the germs, tremendously, but your child will be sent to the Nurse if he/she has an uncontrollable cough especially when it is not being covered or "caught" in the elbow. Fingers in the nose or mouth will be dealt with immediately. Seven and eight year olds know the dangers of spreading germs and nothing other than food will be tolerated in mouths. We are grateful for your home reminders and support about this. Classroom Attire: We try to encourage cleanliness, good hygiene and appropriate dress when in the classroom. Teasing and embarrassing situations can occur, even at this level. We use discretion and remind the class that we are "dressing for success", not for the beach or for weekend play. Older siblings or outside influences, such as TV or video games may give an impression that is confusing to children of this age. Sneakers should be worn, or brought to school on the respective PE days. High heels are not a good idea with our poor, bumpy floors, from both a safety and distraction standpoint. They are usually not the best for playground use, as well. "Educational" Show and Tell: We ask that your child practice what he/she will say beforehand. Toys are not allowed, unless he/she has made it. If your student cannot explain why the item is educational, we are pretty creative in helping to explain, but it would help to know that we are looking for anything "Academic", "Nature" or "Family" generated. Awards or trophies can be brought in, but the effort it took to receive it/them has to be explained in class. For example, winning a certificate from the Fishing Derby would be a great share. Aside from winning a prize, fishing is something one does in nature. It takes patience and effort. We can help feed people with our "catch", and it may be something that is done as part of an annual family tradition. This monthly share is on a volunteer basis, and your child can "pass" if it happens to be a day that he/she was planning to share. We don't want this to be an extra "burden of search" during family hours. We also want to use our very limited time in productive, interesting ways. We may have to wait for a better day. The share also gives your child a chance to "open up" about things he/she is happy, proud or excited about. Final Thoughts: If you have any comments or questions about your particular child, please don't hesitate to contact me or stop into the classroom. Sometimes it may seem like "the wrong time" to interrupt the class by knocking, but children at this age can be redirected more easily than in the lower grades. If I can't speak to you at that particular time, I will let you know when would be a better time. Don't hesitate to call after school hoursÉ just leave a voicemail with your number and I will return the call. We have an open-door policy for parents and encourage you to make appointments at your convenience, send an email, text or call my cell # (508)648-9308, send a note, or call the classroom (508)696-6525. The quickest and easiest way to reach us is by my cell. I prefer you text your message, especially if there are unexpected changes in the afternoon plans. There are days that I do not get to email until after work hours, so if there is urgency, please call the main office.

Dear Incoming Second Grade Family,

I am looking forward to having your son/daughter in my class in the Fall !! He/she will not need supplies for the first day of class.
We ask that students bring in the needed list items on their individual assigned dates. * We will be asking 2 students on the first week of each month. Students will be given the schedule along with the list of items, at the beginning of our school year. Thank you in advance for your help. These items go into the SHARED classroom supplies bin.
Should you want to store these items ahead of time, over the Summer, they are :

  • Clorox wipes
  • 2 Rolls of paper towels
  • 2 Boxes Kleenex
  • 1 Large hand sanitizer
    Each student will be given all of the necessary things he/she needs in September, so your child will not need anything other than a backpack and healthy snack for the first day of school !

    Many thanks ! Have a wonderful Summer !! Mrs. Smith

    Caro Incoming segunda família Grade,

    Estou ansioso para ter seu filho/filha na minha classe no outono !! Ele / ela não vai precisar de suprimentos para o primeiro dia de aula.
    Nós pedimos que os alunos levarem os itens da lista necesários em suas datas individuais atribuídos. * Nós estaremos pedindo 2 alunos na primeira semana de cada ms. Os alunos terão a programação juntamente com a lista de itens, no início do nosso ano escolar. Agradeço antecipadamente por sua ajuda. Estes artigos vão para o caixote do material em sala de aula COMPARTILHADA.
    Se vocಢ deseja armazenar esses itens antes do tempo, durante o verão, são eles:

  • 2 pkgs. (24) Lápis (Ticonderoga Negro são a melhor!!)
  • 4 grandes borrachas rosa
  • 2 caixas de tecidos
  • 1 rolo de papel toalha
  • 1 recipiente de desinfetante para as mãos
  • 2 recipientes Clorox Wipes
    Cada aluno será dado todas as coisas necessárias que ele/ela precisa, em setembro, para que seu filho não vai precisar de qualquer coisa diferente de uma mochila e lanche saudável para o primeiro dia de escola!

    Muito obrigado ! Tenha um verão maravilhoso !! Mrs. Smith

    Supplies List

  • Clorox wipes
  • 2 Rolls of paper towels
  • 2 Boxes Kleenex
  • 1 Large hand sanitizer
  • Daily snack
  • clothing that is appropriate for recess time