Long Range Tech Plan
To be achieved by 2015

Benchmark 1: Commitment to a Clear Vision and Implementation Strategies
BenchmarkCurrentGoals for 2012 - 2015
1A.The district's technology plan contains a clearly stated and reasonable set of goals and implementation strategies that align with the district-wide school improvement plan. The district is committed to achieving its vision by the end of the school year 2014-2015. The technology committee is responsible for setting long-range goals for the school. The technology plan is aligned with school improvement plans. 1. To improve the quality of instruction by integrating more technology into classrooms.
2. Add software as needed for our ELL programs, assistive technology, remedial Math & English.
3. Increase wireless network to incorporate new equipment, laptops, to improve writing & learning.
4. To upgrade computers in the labs to accommodate efficient classroom instruction and address curriculum needs.
5. Increase the number of teachers who incorporate Library resources, databases, video streaming into instructional planning.
6. To engage more students in a multimedia/TV Broadcast which opens communication throughout the school.
7. To use technology to increase communication between teachers and parents via classroom web pages, multimedia presentations, email.
8. To increase the communication with parents through a school web page (policies, newsletters, lunch menu, conference scheduling, activity schedules).
1B.The district has a technology team with representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups, including school committee members, administrators, and teachers. The technology team has the ful support of the school superintendent to implement the plan.Tech Committee includes the instructional technology teachers (2), the network administrator, and the library media specialist. The technology team will be more inclusive of other stakeholders & provide annual updates to the School Committee. The Tisbury School Advisory Council addresses school goals that include technology goals.
1c.Needs Assessment
1. The district assesses the technology products and services that will be needed to improve teaching and learning.
2. The technology plan includes an assessment of the services and products that are currently being used and that the district plans to acquire.
Request for technolgy products are approved by the technician and principal. The technology team encourages research and obtaining a trial copy before purchasing. The teacher, technician and principal then discusses the product and decides to either order more licenses or return product. No changes at this time.
1. The district recognizes that technology plays a critical role in achieving its goals. The district has a budget that will ensure the implementation of its long-range technology plan.
2. The budget includes staffing, infrastructure, hardware, software applications, professional development, support, and contracted services.
3. The district seeks funding for technology programs from federal, state, and private resources, as well as from academic departments that are supported by technology. The district explores ways that technology can reduce costs and create efficiencies in other areas of the district budget.
4. For districts that plan to apply E-rate reimbursement, the technology plan specifies how the district will pay for the non-discounted portion of their costs for the services procured through E-rate.
The district has set line items in the budget for technology. The district also has line items in the budget for professional development.
Assistive technology is purchased as necessary.
E-rate funding is available on a yearly basis for technology purchases.
We use local funds for the non-discounted portion of telecommunication costs that are not paid for by E-rate reimbursement.
Maintain current budget amounts including four to five salary positions. Use E-rate for 5 static IP's so we can have a web page and teachers can connect to programs from home to make the report card process more accessible. To continue to use local funds for the non-discounted portion of telecommunication costs that are not paid for by E-rate reimbursement and to provide security for the network.
1. The district routinely consults with technology staff before purchasing technologies items, to ensure that the items are appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable.
2. The district's technology plan includes an evaluation process that enables it to monitor its progress in achieving its goals and to make mid-course corrections in response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.
The Tech Committee monitors the use of technology and evaluates the progress of technology as it is relevant to school community.The Tech Committee will continue to review technology progress of faculty, students, administration and school community through teacher consultation. We will conduct a survey each year in to evaluate how technology is being used in the building and the frequency of use.

Benchmark 2: Technology Integration and Literacy

BenchmarkCurrentGoals for 2012 - 2015
2A.Technology Integration
1. Outside Teaching Time - At least 90% of teachers use technology every day, including some of the following areas: research, lesson planning, organization, administrative tasks, communications, and collaboration. Teachers explore evolving technologies and share information about technology uses with their colleagues.
2. For Teaching and Learning - At least 90% of teachers use technology appropriately with students every day to improve student learning of the curriculum. Activities include some of the following: research, multimedia, simulations, data analysis, communications, and collaboration. Teachers integrate evolving technologies that enhance student interest, inguiry, analysis, collaboration, and creativity.
85% of the teachers use technology outside of classroom
87% of teachers use technology with students
The District will continue to train teachers on the use of software and their tools.
The District will continue to train teachers on the use and creation of classroom web pages to communicate with the students.
The District will continue to train teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms.
2B.Technology Literacy
1. At least 90% of eighth grade students show proficienceight.
2. 100% of teachers are working to meet the proficiency level in technology, and by the school year 2014-2015, 90% of teachers will have mastered 90% of the skills in the Massachusetts Technology Self Assessment Tool (TSAT).
85% of students in grade 8 show proficient level
At present we have 57% of teachers at proficient level or above.
Administration and Technology Committee will work together to ensure that students achieve tech standards through improving scheduling, creating objectives for each class level and equal access 30 minutes per week for K-4 & 45 minutes for 5-8.
The District will continue to train teachers to reach the proficiency level in technology.
1. The district has a district-level technology director/coordinator.
2. The district provides one FTE instructional technology specialist per 60-120 instructional staff to coach and model.
3. The district has staff specifically dedicated to data management and assessment.
The district has 2 FTE technology teachers, 0.5 FTE person for data management and assessment, 1 FTE library media specialist, 1 FTE library assistant, and 1 FTE network administrator.No changes at this time.

Benchmark 3: Technology Professional Development

BenchmarkCurrentGoals for 2012 - 2015
3A.At the end of five years, at least 90% of district staff will have participated in high-quality, on-going professional development that includes emerging technologyissues, technology skills, universal design, and research-based models of technology integration.The Martha's Vineyard Public School System (MVPS) offers workshops and graduate-level courses in technology, and they continue to reimburse staff for graduate courses, as guidelines suggest. The Tisbury School district has budgetary line items for conferences, as well as funds for professional development provided by staff members.Local and district tech staff will offer professional development as the need arises. Teachers will continue to take courses, attend courses, attend workshops, use professional release days, pursue individual study, and schedule one-on-one technology training.
3B.Technology professional development is sustained and ongoing and includes coaching, modeling best practices, district-based mentoring, study groups and online professional development. see 3aIt is current practice of Administration (Curriculum and Instruction Director) and the Tisbury School Technology Committee to inform staff of upcoming courses dealing with technology, both online and on-site. Coaching occurs at the Tisbury School with all current tech members offering their expertise for better curriculum instruction using technology in the classroom.
3C.Professional development planning includes an assessment of district and teachers' needs. The assessment is based on the competencies listed in the Massachusetts Technology Self-Assessment Tool. The Martha's Vineyard Public School System (MVPS) offers workshops and graduate-level courses in technology, and they continue to reimburse staff for graduate courses, as guidelines suggest. The Tisbury School district has budgetary line items for conferences, as well as funds for professional development provided by staff members.The Superintendent's Office has a Long Range Planning Committee which sets up professional development for our district.
3D.Administrators and teachers consider their own needs for technology professional development.See 3c.Because of the many responsibilities of the network administrator/technician, ongoing professional development is essential to the success of the entire technology program.

Benchmark 4: Accessibility of Technology

BenchmarkCurrentGoals for 2012 - 2015
4A.Hardware Access
1. By 2014-2015, the district has a average ratio of one high-capacity, Internet-connected computer for each student. (The Department will work with stakeholders on a regular basis to review and define high-capacity computer.)
2. The district provides students with emerging technologies appropriate to their grade level.
3. The district maximizes access to the general education curriculum for all students, including students with disabilities, using universal design principles and assistive technology devices.
4. The district has procurement policies for information and instructional technologies that ensure usability, equivalent access,interoperability and SIF compliance.
5. The district provides technology-rich classrooms, with access to devices such as digital projectors and electronic whiteboards and student response systems.
6. The district has established a computer replacement cycle of five years or less.
The average ration of students/high capacity computer at Tisbury is 3.65:1.
Students' access to handhelds and portables is being considered.
When purchasing technology the district takes under consideration individual student needs.
As of 202, Tisbury's computer replacement cycle is approximately every 7 years.
The effects of student achievement with the use of mobile laptop technology is being researched as a precursor to possible purchase.
Projects are being incorporated into classrooms as needed.
The district hopes to add whiteboards to classrooms as the need arises.
4B.Internet Access
1. The district provides connectivity to the Internet for all computers in all classrooms in all schools including wireless connectivity.
2. The district provides an external Internet connection to the Internet Service Provide (ISP) of 100 Mbps per 1,000 students/staff.
3. The district provides bandwidth of at least 10/100/1 Gb to each classroom. At peak, the bandwidth at each computer is at least 100 kbps. the network card for each computer is at least 10/100/1 Gb.
Tisbury has 201 computers with Internet access using Comcast internet services with a fiber optic connectivity between the basement and 3rd floor server room.We will continue to maintain and evaluate our infrastructure. We are looking into upgrading our Comcast service to a faster internet.
4C.Networking (LAN/WAN)
1. The district provides internal wide area network (WAN) connections from the district to each school between schools of at least 1Gbps oer 1,000 students/staff.
2. The district provides access to servers for secure file sharing, backups, scheduling, email, and web publishing, either internally or through contracted services.
The network has a minimum of 10/100Mb and/or 802.11 b/g/n wireless. Network services include email, backups, filesharing, and web publishing of teacher web pages. To increase our use of a wireless network and to continute to maintain, filesharing, backup, email, web publishing and teacher web pages. To add more routers hardware in order to accommodate the need for wireless connectivity throughout the school building.
4D.Access to the Internet Outside the School Day
1. The district privides access to its computer labs before and after school to ensure that students and staff have adequate access to the Internet outside of the school day.
2. The district disseminates a list of up-to-date list of places where students and staff can access the Internet after school hours.
Internet access is usually available for parent groups, community groups and afterschool groups. Staffing is provided for The Library Media Center to be open several afternoons for community access.
The Tisbury School web page contains a list of places, inside and outside of school, where the Internet can be accessed.
The Library Media Center is available for Internet access and will continue to provide access for student, staff and community. To continue to provide the list of internet access availability.
1. The district provides staff or contracted services to ensure that its network is functioning at all times.
2. The district provides resolves technical problems within 24 hours, so that they do not cause major disruptions to curriculum delivery. The district provides clear information about how to access technical support, which can be provided in person or remotely.
3. The district provides at least one FTE person to support 400 computers. Technical support can be provided by dedicated staff or contracted services.
Tisbury district has 1 FTE network administrator/technician who services 201 computers, maintains 1 network with 5 servers, using 4 different operating systems (OSX 10.4 and higher, XP, 2003, 2008), and is responsible for: licensing, inventories of software and hardware, and network software.
The technician has provided a 45 page troubleshooting/technology information guide for all staff.
Technology repair requests are submitted to the technician who responds in a timely fashion.
Our FTE network administrator/technician is able to provide timely classroom support as needed

Benchmark 5: Virtual and Communications

BenchmarkCurrentGoals for 2012 - 2015
5A.The district encourages the development and use of innovative strategies for delivering high-quality courses through the use of technology.The district is the in early stages of e-learning activities. The technology committee is willing to help staff members develop and use new strategies.
5B.The district deploys IP-based connections for access to web-bases and/or interactive video learning on the local, state, regional, national, and international level.The district uses web-based learning through our Library Media Center.The district will continue to add more web-based learning as needed.
5C.Classroom applications of virtual learning include courses, collaborative projects, field trips, and discussions. Currently, staff use virtual field trips, email exchange, streaming video clips, and tutorial sites for students, as well as participating in online courses, file sharing, collaborative work, bulletin boards, and listservs.To provide access to global resources for students and staff.
5D.The district maintains an up-to-date web site that includes information for parents and community members. Tisbury school district has a web site that is updated on a daily basis. The school web site contains information for parents (handbook, homework hotline, access phone numbers, conference scheduling, policies & more). The FTE network administrator/technician maintains and adds to the school web page site on a daily basis.
Staff maintains their classroom web pages.

Benchmark 6: Safety, Security, and Data Retention

BenchmarkCurrentGoals for 2012 - 2015
6A.The district has a CIPA-compliant Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) regarding Internet and network use. The policy is updated as needed to help ensure safe and ethical use of resources by teachers and students.An AUP is posted in the school library and on the school web site.No change at this time.
6B.The district educates teachers and students about appropriate online behavior. Topics include cyberbullying, potential risks related to social networking sites and chat rooms, and strategies for dealing with these issues.
6C.The district has a plan to protect the security and confidentiality of personal information of its students and staff.
6D.The district complies with federal and state law, and local policies for archiving electronic communications produced by its staff and students. The district informs staff and students that any information distributed over the district or school network may be a public record.